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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:MapUtil/doc
local util_table = require("Module:TableUtil") local util_text = require("Module:TextUtil") local h = {} local p = {} function p.inPlace(tbl, f, ...) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do tbl[k] = f(v, ...) end return tbl end function p.multiParamSafe(tbl, f, ...) if not tbl or #tbl == 0 or #tbl[1] == 0 then return end local util_vars = require("Module:VarsUtil") local new = util_table.interlace(tbl) util_vars.log(tbl) util_vars.log('********') util_vars.log(new) for i, v in ipairs(new) do new[i] = f(unpack(new[i])) end return new end function p.arrayInPlace(tbl, f, ...) for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do tbl[k] = f(v, ...) end return tbl end function p.arrayInPlaceWithIndex(tbl, f, ...) for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do tbl[k] = f(v, k, ...) end return tbl end function p.arrayInPlaceAndMerge(tbl, f, ...) -- assumes f returns table values return util_table.mergeArrays(unpack(p.arrayInPlace(tbl, f, ...))) end function p.arraySafe(tbl, f, ...) local tbl2 = {} for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do tbl2[k] = f(v, ...) end return tbl2 end function, f, ...) local tbl2 = mw.clone(tbl) util_table.removeFalseEntries(tbl2) for k, v in pairs(tbl2) do tbl2[k] = f(v, ...) end return tbl2 end function p.copy(tbl, f, ...) local tbl2 = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do tbl2[k] = f(v, ...) end return tbl2 end function p.dictSafe(tbl, f, ...) local tbl2 = mw.clone(tbl) for _, v in ipairs(tbl2) do tbl2[v] = f(tbl2[v], ...) end return tbl2 end function p.dictInPlace(tbl, f, ...) for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do tbl[v] = f(tbl[v], ...) end return tbl end function p.rowsInPlace(tbl, f, ...) for k, row in ipairs(tbl) do f(row, ...) row.index = k end return tbl end function p.selfRowsInPlace(self, tbl, f, ...) for k, row in ipairs(tbl) do f(self, row, ...) row.index = k end return tbl end function p.rowBlobInPlace(tbl, f, ...) for k, row in pairs(tbl) do f(row, ...) row.index = k end return tbl end function p.dictRowsInPlace(tbl, f, ...) for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do f(tbl[v], ...) end return tbl end function p.arrayToLookupSafe(tbl, f, ...) local tbl2 = {} for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do tbl2[v] = f(v, ...) end return tbl2 end function p.split(str, sep, f, ...) local tbl = util_text.split(str,sep) if not f then return tbl end return p.inPlace(tbl, f, ...) end function p.splitAndConcat(str, sep, f, sep2, ...) if not str or str == '' then return nil end if not sep2 then sep2 = '' end local tbl = p.split(str, sep, f, ...) return table.concat(tbl, sep2) end function p.multiParamSplitAndConcat(tbl, sep, f, sep2, ...) if not tbl or not #tbl == 0 or not tbl[1] then return nil end if not sep2 then sep2 = '' end p.inPlace(tbl, p.split, sep) local new = p.multiParamSafe(tbl, f, ...) return table.concat(new, sep2) end function p.concatField(tbl, field, sep, f, ...) return util_table.concat(p.extractField(tbl, field), sep, f, ...) end function p.extractField(tbl, field, f, ...) local tbl2 = {} if f then for _, row in ipairs(tbl) do tbl2[#tbl2+1] = f(row[field], ...) end else for _, row in ipairs(tbl) do tbl2[#tbl2+1] = row[field] end end return tbl2 end function p.formatAndConcat(tbl, sep, str) if not tbl then return nil end if not next(tbl) then return nil end return util_table.concat(tbl, sep, h.format, str) end function p.format(tbl, str) if not tbl then return nil end if not next(tbl) then return nil end return p.inPlace(tbl, h.format, str) end function h.format(sub, str) return str:format(sub) end return p