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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ArgsUtil/doc
local util_map = require('Module:MapUtil') local util_text = require('Module:TextUtil') local util_table = require('Module:TableUtil') local bool_false = { ['false'] = true, ['no'] = true, [''] = true, ['0'] = true, ['nil'] = true } local bool_true = { ['true'] = true, ['yes'] = true } local lang = mw.getLanguage('en') local p = {} local h = {} function p.norm(v) if not v then return false end local lc = lang:lc(v) if bool_false[lc] then return false elseif bool_true[lc] then return true end return v end function p.castAsBool(str) if type(str) == 'boolean' then return str end if not str or bool_false[lang:lc(str)] then return false end return true end function p.isDefined(str) if not str then return false end return true end function p.boolToStringYN(str) if str then return 'Yes' end return 'No' end function p.boolToStringTF(str) if str then return 'True' end return 'False' end function p.nilToFalse(val) -- casts nil as false -- does not change anything else -- used if needing to have false but non-nil values in a table -- for ipairs, util_table.removeFalseEntries, etc return not not val and val end function p.lookupVars(str, lookup_tbl, skipdefault) -- for rolenames etc. if a default table is supplied, this will be -- returned with priority over lookup.DEFAULT in the case of no match local vars = str and lookup_tbl[lang:lc(str)] if not vars then if skipdefault then return nil end return lookup_tbl.DEFAULT end if type(vars) == 'string' then vars = lookup_tbl[vars] if type(vars) == 'string' then error(('Error in lookup module for input %s'):format(str)) end end return vars end function p.merge() local f = mw.getCurrentFrame() local origArgs = f.args local parentArgs = f:getParent().args local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = mw.text.trim(tostring(v)) if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end end for k, v in pairs(parentArgs) do v = mw.text.trim(v) if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end end return args end function p.mergeKeepEmpty() local f = mw.getCurrentFrame() local origArgs = f.args local parentArgs = f:getParent().args local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = mw.text.trim(tostring(v)) args[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(parentArgs) do v = mw.text.trim(v) args[k] = v end return args end function p.overwrite() local f = mw.getCurrentFrame() local origArgs = f.args local parentArgs = f:getParent().args local args = {} for k, v in pairs(parentArgs) do v = mw.text.trim(v) args[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = mw.text.trim(tostring(v)) args[k] = v end return args end function p.original() local f = mw.getCurrentFrame() local origArgs = f.args local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = mw.text.trim(tostring(v)) args[k] = v end return args end function p.numberedArgsToTable(args, argname, disallowUnnamedFirst, max) if not max then max = -1 end local i = 1 local tbl = {} if args[argname] and not disallowUnnamedFirst then tbl[1] = args[argname] i = 2 end while args[argname .. i] or i <= max do tbl[i] = args[argname .. i] i = i + 1 end if not next(tbl) then return nil end return tbl end function p.ifArg(arg, display) if not arg then return false end return display end function p.splitArgs(input, fieldlist, sep) return p.splitArgsArray(input, fieldlist, nil, sep)[1] end function p.splitArgsArray(input, fieldlist, outersep, innersep) if not input or input == '' then return {} end outersep = outersep or '%s*:::%s*' local ret = util_map.split(input, outersep, h.splitArgs, fieldlist, innersep) return ret end function h.splitArgs(input, fieldlist, sep) if not input or input == '' then return end sep = (sep and ('%s*' .. sep .. '%s*')) or '%s*;;;%s*' local result = {} local inputTbl = util_text.split(input,sep) for i, v in ipairs(fieldlist) do if not inputTbl[i] then error(('Missing parameter %s - maybe wrong child template?'):format(v)) end if inputTbl[i] ~= '' then result[v] = inputTbl[i] end end return result end function p.isSplitArg(input) if not input then return false end return input:find(';;;') end function p.strOrTitle(str) return str or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootText end function p.require(n, ...) local params = {...} local numberSpecified = util_table.generalLength(params) if numberSpecified < n then local traceback = debug.traceback('', 2) relevantTraceback = util_text.split(traceback, '\n')[3] error(('Missing params in %s! %s expected, %s non-nil'):format( relevantTraceback, n, numberSpecified )) end end return p